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The Best Social Media Tool For Your Community

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

Twitter spaces

Twitter. Constantly in the news for everything, most recently being bought by Elon Musk, but despite all this, it is also one of the most influential platforms for everything Web3. From NFTs to DeFi, there is a wealth of knowledge and an even bigger demand for more.

Twitter spaces

One feature that web3-friendly Twitter has brought out is Spaces. The crypto community took to Spaces like a duck to water. The listeners flocked in every time a space opened relating to a new NFT drop or a DeFi project trying something new. Of course, now it is a no-brainer to host an AMA (ask me anything) session with the community, but so many projects seem to be missing this trick!

As discussed in our previous blog post, you already have some key social media platforms, and your community is growing. However, you are bombarded with questions from the hungry web3 monsters wanting to know everything from your developer's wallet address to their blood type. It's overwhelming and takes a small army of mods to keep on top of everything. Sounds familiar, I'm sure to lots of you reading this. Don't worry! You're not alone in this feeling. This is where we can help you with Twitter Spaces.


Twitter spaces

At Anonymous Marketing Agency, we like to support our projects by helping them to host their very own Twitter Space. So we will assist you in gathering questions from the community, bringing up key points from the roadmap and new, exciting developments, and hosting it all neatly in one Space.

"What if we are in the USA and some of our community are across the pond in the UK?" Not to worry. Our skilled graphics team will create a recap video, editing all your awkward bits out so your community can watch the key points back at their leisure. Great for marketing!

It doesn't just end there. When the momentum builds in your spaces, followers of the listeners also get notifications that someone they follow is listening in. Imagine getting a Gary Vee, or another high profile name, in your Space! The flood gates open. Its organic traction outside of your four walls and can even be promoted by ambassadors and key figures in the crypto community for an extra boost.

Sounds too good to be true? Why not reach out to us here at Anonymous to find out how we can help take your project to the next level!

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